

Täällä pidämme uudet tiedotukset Valk Weldingin viimeisimmistä kehityksistä.


Strategic reinforcement through arrival of Peter van Erk

As part of the further growth of our sales markets and to further expand the continuity of our activities with welding wires, we are pleased to …

We proudly present our brand new Valk Mailing

Please read more about our recently delivered projects and the stories behind.

Valk Welding Sweden has started

As a logic continuation of the expansion from the Valk Welding organization throughout Europe since 2004, Valk Welding SE has become a fact.

Management Information System (MIS)

This video shows the use of the Management Information System (MIS) for Panasonic arc welding robots.

Valk Welding strategy appears to be the right choice.

Over the past 40 years, the Valk Welding Group has deliberately chosen to focus on the "general industry" and not on the "automotive industry" and …

Valk Welding Robot Solutions

Valk Welding develops and builds all-in-one welding robot systems, solutions, for small to medium production requirements.

A complete automation solution for plastic welding

Within the market there is an increasing demand for automated welding of plastics. This industry has similar challenges as the metalworking industry.

Closed borders do not have to be a problem

We live and do business in a world which get’s smaller every day. A world in which we can be on the other side within 24 hours, perhaps against our …

Special welding torches developed and made by Valk Welding

You buy a flexible welding robot because at the time of purchase you do not always know what you want to weld with it in the coming years.


Haluamme ajatella yhdessä kanssasi löytääksemme ratkaisuja (hitsaus)automaatioon, hitsauslankoihin ja hitsausvarusteisiin. Etsimme yhteyttä ja haluamme mieluummin olla kumppani kuin toimittaja.