

Täällä pidämme uudet tiedotukset Valk Weldingin viimeisimmistä kehityksistä.


Panasonic Sales Award

It is with some pride that we are pleased to let you know that Valk Welding received the Panasonic Sales Award last month at the Panasonic Experience …

200 tons of welding wire available in Middelfart (DK)

Valk Welding Denmark will move to a new location in quarter one of 2023. Since establishing a company in Denmark in 2008, Valk Welding DK has grown …

Automate, structure and manage the welding process

Based on the lean and mean philosophy, more and more companies are looking at where the production process can be organized even more efficiently.

Total solution for unmanned production

In this article we present you our latest video and you can find a link to the article from our latest edition of the Valk Mailing in which the …

The new edition of the Valk Mailing is out!

We are proud to present you our latest edition of the Valk Mailing. This new edition is again full of recently delivered projects and technical …

Valk Welding systems also available with automatic contact tip changer

The Auto Contact Tip Changer makes it possible to automate the time-consuming process of contact tip replacement.

Valk Welding and ArcNC with united force toward even greater flexibility for our customers

Valk Welding has been the leader in the field of flexible arc welding robots for many years, and the lead is constantly growing. An important part of …

Virtual Robot programming System (VRPS)

Offsite Teaching powered by VRPS stands for Virtual Robot Programming System and was designed by Valk Welding. In combination with the Panasonic …

Panasonic green impact

Happy to see that our strategical partner Panasonic strives to achieve carbon neutrality together with society, by creating impacts from actions that …


Haluamme ajatella yhdessä kanssasi löytääksemme ratkaisuja (hitsaus)automaatioon, hitsauslankoihin ja hitsausvarusteisiin. Etsimme yhteyttä ja haluamme mieluummin olla kumppani kuin toimittaja.