
Purchase of premises and buildings in Nørre Aaby in Denmark

Valk Welding purchased the premises, as well as buildings in Denmark from the former owner. The buildings, which were already rented for over 5 years, now became property of Valk Welding, which means that the available service for Valk Welding in the buildings, will increase by 300%.

This increase of available office and technical service was necessary partially to handle the growth on the Danish market, but also to be ready for the expected growth on the total Scandinavian market. The Valk Welding team in Denmark has grown to 6 employees and is being supported by local sales and service in Sweden. Because of the Internationalization of Valk Welding, as well as the Scandinavian customers, Valk Welding Denmark AS can offer a ‘full support service’ to production facilities from Danish companies elsewhere in Europe or even in China.

Welding wire storage and distribution

Due to the increase of this facility, Valk Welding will also be able to become more efficient for the distribution and direct sales of welding wire and consumables from its Danish subsidiary. Within Denmark deliveries can be realized within 24 hours using the warehouse in Nørre Aaby, which is located extremely centrally in Denmark (border between mainland and the isle of Fyn).

Since the service of the property is only being used for 25% with buildings, new scheduled expansions, such as technical center, as well as welding wire storage, will be possible. The actual purchase of the building has been realized in the last months. As of 1 September 2014, the complete building will be available for Valk Welding in order to support its growth on the Scandinavian market. Valk Welding’s participation on the tradeshow Elmia in Jönköping Sweden (May 2014) is expected to increase sales in Sweden drastically



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