

Täällä pidämme uudet tiedotukset Valk Weldingin viimeisimmistä kehityksistä.


Smart Industry Robot Solutions

Valk Welding has been active for more than 2 decades in delivering welding robots which are more responsive to the demand for flexible production …

50th anniversary Valk Welding Belgium.

In 2015 Valk Welding Belgium celebrates its 50th anniversary. In 1965, the corporation of ‘LAS Verkoopmaatschappij’ (later changed into Valk Welding) …

Employees on the bicycle

Valk Welding presented a total of 10 new bicycles for employees to use.

300th welding robot on H-Frame

Twelve years after the delivery of the first welding robot on an H- frame, Valk Welding has delivered the 300th installation this year, based on this …

Valk Welding and Voortman are developing The Fabricator

Valk Welding and Voortman proudly present the next step in steel fabrication by developing ‘The Fabricator’. ‘The Fabricator’ is a fully automatic …

Panasonic introduces new generation welding robots.

Panasonic developed a new generation welding robots and call it the TM-series. This new generation robots from Panasonic are characterized mainly by …

Construction of new assembly hall at full speed

The construction of the new assembly hall for Valk Welding is at full speed, the construction and installation teams are working at full force in …

Purchase of premises and buildings in Nørre Aaby in Denmark

Valk Welding purchased the premises, as well as buildings in Denmark from the former owner. The buildings, which were already rented for over 5 …

Valk Welding installed 35 years ago its first welding robot

In March 1979, Valk Welding (at that time still known as Las Verkoopmaatschappij) installed her first Arc Welding robot at the Dutch company Kemi …


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