Kalle Meijer, “Offline programming was at the top of our list of requirements because until recently we had spent a great deal of time on the programming of our previous generation of welding robots. As a supplier, we must produce a great variety of components. For this reason, it is vital that the start-up time of the welding robot is short. Furthermore, accuracy is another important aspect. In the case of offline programming, you must be sure that the virtually programmed part corresponds to what the welding robot actually fabricates. For this reason, we examined the different types of s off-line programming systems. 100% of the programs created in the DTPS offline programming software can be used on the robot, without the need of any corrections. We were, and continue to be so, very impressed by the accuracy of the DTPS software. This was a decisive factor for choosing Panasonic. Does it work? Off course, we use it every day!”