High-mix, low volume
"Of course, the large welding robot installation is also intended to show what we can do in terms of welding robotization for companies with high-mix, low volume production. In fact, the cell is equipped with the latest developments in welding seam tracking with Arc-Eye Adaptive that adjusts welding parameters in real time in case of seam deviations, automatic wire change, integrated fume extraction, full offline programming and CE protection," explains CCO Peter Pittomvils. "For all the hick-ups in the process, we have developed innovative solutions so that we can achieve a continuous process. Companies that make bulky parts in small numbers and large variation for offshore, heavy transport, heavy machine building, among others, have mostly already automated the welding production of large numbers, but want to be able to do the same for small numbers. And this is where we distinguish ourselves from traditional welding robot integrators".