Valk Welding has entered into a strategic partnership with ArcNC, a promising programming software that builds on the success of Oqton and now focuses entirely on arc welding. Together, they have created the seamlessly integrated 'ArcNC for Panasonic', which allows any welder to generate robot programs quickly and easily for high mix, low volume production.
Thanks to this collaboration, it is now possible for customers to get started with offline welding robot programming without any programming knowledge or experience. This is because ArcNC for Panasonic, which is already being used by several customers, is part of Automatic Robot Programming (ARP). This is a collection of solutions that allows you to automatically generate and simulate robot programs from imported 3D CAD files or other information sources. The software tool thus offers significant time savings and requires less intensive programming training for welders.
To program a Panasonic robot with ArcNC, simply log in to our cloud-based software. Upload a 3D definition of your product and confirm the automatically identified welds, welding sequences, robot positions and transitions. Then download the generated welding program with a single click. Upload this program into DTPS and it can be sent directly to the robot.
The strong partnership between Valk Welding and ArcNC combines user-friendly software with reliable and precisely calibrated Panasonic hardware. As a result, the automatically generated welding programs are very close to the real world, allowing us to install our systems in a time-efficient manner. It also means that we are a single point of contact for the entire automation process and can intervene quickly if necessary.
Are you curious about this software solution or do you have any questions? Contact us at info@valkwelding.com.
We like to think along with you in finding solutions for your (welding) automation, welding wires and welding accessories. We are looking for the connection and prefer to be a partner rather than a supplier.