Welding robots
As a centerpiece, we will present an exceptionally large welding robot system capable of handling workpieces up to 20 tons, supporting High Mix, Low Volume production. This provides companies in sectors such as offshore, heavy transport, and heavy machinery construction with an attractive opportunity to automate their production. Further details about this robot installation, which is available for purchase, can be found through this link.
Engaging demonstrations
Does the idea of programming a welding robot using VR technology appeal to you? Here is your opportunity with our Offsite Teaching software demonstration. Step into the 3D world of Virtual Reality and program the robot using VRPS. Furthermore, we will perform a separate welding demonstration, showcasing our latest ‘fume extraction torch’ and the dynamic ARC-EYE Adaptive camera for enhanced maneuverability. Our experts will also be happy to show you the ease of offline robot programming via the user-friendly DTPS software and its optional tool 'ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic'. Throughout the day, you can observe a robot in action on our popular TRACK-E-FRAME.