
New robot programmers create functional programs after 2 days of training

Ireland’s first user of ARP powered by 'ArcNC for Panasonic', Portafill, is currently creating fully operational welding robot programs made by employees with no previous robot experience. “ArcNC is just very easy to use. There is nothing complicated about it”, says Grzegorz, design engineer at Portafill.

A new opportunity

ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic, a new automatic robot programming (ARP) software, was implemented at Portafill three months ago to ensure a more consistent output. “We have a lot of new products coming through all the time, so it was hard for the programmers to keep up”, explains Grzegorz. When they heard about the possibility to make programming much faster with ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic, they decided to take the leap.

Unmatched programming speed

Typically, programming would take two to three days for Portafill, followed by many adjustments after the first program run. With ARP, all their new programs have taken no more than one day’s work from the start of programming to the robot in production. “There may still be two or three minor changes to make, but the product is ready much faster”, they report.

Reducing start-up time

Portafill currently uses fourteen robot programs created through ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic. They are developed by newly trained programmers after completing a two-day recorded DTPS and ArcNC course. “After receiving and watching the video, they can create their own programs straight away without any problems or help. Before, they would follow a training course for a couple of days, create a small program and then possibly move on to something more complex. Now they can dive into ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic and within a day, bang, there you go: one or two programs ready to use.”

From a start-up perspective, we easily save one or two weeks of time per person.

Grzegorz, design engineer at Portafill


Valk Welding and ArcNC are working hard to add more and more features and create possibilities for more complex programming over time. Grzegorz talks about Portafill’s experience with the development: “Anything we bring up seems to be implemented within a few days. There have been times when we have come up with features that we wanted, and the next time we logged in, it was already there. Whatever comes through in the future can only make it even easier to use.”

Interested in implementing ARP powered by ArcNC for Panasonic?

Contact us at info@valkwelding.com for more information.

Download our ARP brochure here

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